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Zeolite is an incredible naturally found crystalline mineral used as a safe and effective whole body cleanse. Backed by over 20+ years of research and results, Zeolite can easily be used within a focused detoxing regimen, or as a part of your daily supplementation.
Zeolite is a crystalline mineral found in natural sources of volcanic lava and sea water. The formation and cooling of ionic compounds in these sources creates Zeolite's negative charge and cage-like structure, contributing to its powerful and unique detoxifying abilities. Each molecule of Zeolite binds to and surrounds toxins in your body throughout its movement through your system. As it is an entirely physical process, there are no chemical interactions or unsafe side effects.
Many users of Zeolite online have reported it as an easy to consume product. It has a slight chalky taste, but is otherwise very neutral in taste and smell. Some users have noticed improvement in sleep and energy levels throughout the day. Most people after using Zeolite for 2-3 weeks consistently have also reported reduced brain fog and better mental clarity.
Zeolite comes in a few different forms ranging from powdered to liquid. We've found that the powdered form can have a chalky taste, and sometimes cause bloating for certain people. At Capitol Nutriton, we tested a few products out and found the liquid dropper form of Zeolite was not only the easiest to consume, but reportedly had the most improvements among our staff here. If you're interested in trying out Zeolite yourself and incorporating it into your diet, we have a few great options below.
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