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LG Sciences Epi-Andro 50 is a powerful cutting prohormone designed to boost lean muscle gains, strength and libido while supporting harder denser muscles and a leaner drier physique. Epi-Andro 50 is great as a stand alone supplement or can be stacked with various other prohormones if you're looking to stay lean, dry and vascular.
Epi Andro is a great 'dry' prohormone for increasing strength, power and your libido. With a proper diet and training schedule, it will give you a huge edge in the gym. LG Science recommends that you take 1 tablet 3 times per day. For best results take every 8 hours. It can be taken with or without food. Do not exceed 3 tablets per day. One bottle with last you 30 days. You can take Epi-Andro for up to 8 weeks before taking at least 4-8 weeks off.