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Introducing Garden of Life Sport Energy + Focus - a pre-workout supplement that will give you a quick burst of energy and help you stay focused during intense workouts. This delicious blackberry drink is made with plant-based, organic ingredients that will provide long-term benefits. Garden of Life's Sport Energy + Focus is the cleanest pre-workout on the market! Benefits: -Sharpens mental focus -Provides fast bursts of energy -Reduces fatigue -Delicious flavor -85mg of natural caffeine What is Garden of Life Sport Energy + Focus? This pre-workout supplement is designed to provide fuel with clean organic ingredients. It includes organic Coffeeberry that increases mental focus and antioxidant polyphenols to smooth skin and neutralize free radicals. It also contains Organic Baobab for weight loss, Organic Amla Berry for immune function, and Organic Spinach and Beet for bone and brain health.