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LG Sciences Bulking Andro Kit is the ultimate bulking prohormone stack for newbies and experienced users alike. This stack features a 1-Andro, 4-Andro and M1D Andro for increased strength and muscle mass while boosting testosterone levels and improving post workout recovery. This stack contains everything you need to run a 6 week cycle including your PCT.
Week 1-4: M1D Andro Caplets 3X/Day, 1-Andro 1X/Day, 4-andro 2X/Day
Week 4-6: Form-XT 4X/Day
When you are supplementing prohormones into your diet it is important that you evenly distribute them throughout the day. If you are taking multiple prohormones at once, make sure not to take them at the exact same time, but about 10min apart from each other.