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The LG Sciences Trifecta Andro Kit is an all-in-one prohormone cycle designed to help you gain lean muscle, cut excess fat, and boost testosterone levels, all while minimizing side effects with its advanced Cyclosome Delivery system.
Week 1-4: M1D Andro 3X/Day and Epiandro 3X/Day
Week 5-6: Form-XT 2X/Day
Take doses spaced apart morning and night. Wait at least 10 minutes between doses of each product. Dose times can be taken any time as long as they are spaced as far apart as possible and 10 minutes between each product as in this example program.
M1D Andro: Take 1 tablet three times per day with water. One upon waking, one in the evening, and one prior to bed.
EPIANDRO: The Adapta cap snaps down and then screws on. Release 2 mL under your tongue and hold for one minute, then swish around your mouth for one minute and then swallow completely. Take 3 doses on an empty stomach, allow 4 hours between using. Shake well before each use!
Form-XT: Take 2 mL two times per day with water. One upon waking and one prior to bed.